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Anti-harassment campaign: Imagine if the roles were reversed!

Have you ever been harassed at work?

This campaign is part of the RADAR II research project. The focus of the project is to find out how to prevent ’negative acts’, such as harassment towards young people delivering food. With this project, Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (The National Research Center for Work Environment) are trying to find new, and some would probably think unconventional, ways to prevent these harassments at work.

Therefore, we invite you to watch the campaign video below, made by Danish Youtuber Guld Dennis.

All scenarios in the video come from real experiences of people delivering food or performing cleaning tasks in private homes, who shared their stories with us in the RADAR II research project. The video is intended to emphasize the harassing nature of this type of customer behavior by asking the question: Imagine if the roles were reversed! However, we warn that some scenes may seem provocative or offensive.

Watch the campaign video here:

‘Imagine, if the roles were reversed’

As you can see, the campaign uses humor and a provocative style to highlight the very serious issue of harassment at work. The intention behind this is NOT to make fun of the problem. Rather, the hope is that people working through platforms can find support in the message of the campaign, and that it will urge customers to consider their behavior towards you, the people delivering their food.

Feel free to share your thoughts on the campaign in the comments, or reach out to the people behind the campaign directly via their website – and find more information about the project.

Jesper, Operations Specialist in Wolt Denmark

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