Announment Bar

87% of Wolt Partners are satisfied with the partnership – are you one of them?

Results from the recent satisfaction survey are in!

That’s right – results from the recent satisfaction survey show that 87% of Wolt partners are satisfied or very satisfied with the partnership! While we are happy to see that the vast majority of you are satisfied with the partnership, we use these surveys to understand how we can make this number even higher. 

Once our survey is closed for answers, we always:  

  • Analyse the results compared to previous surveys to see if we are headed in the right direction
  • Read all of your free text comments and tag them according to topic, so we know what to prioritise for the future
  • Share your feedback with relevant Wolt colleagues in other departments such as the restaurant team or the team working to improve the Partner App

You are most satisfied with: “Freedom of choosing when to og online”

Once again, it has been established that freedom and flexibility are the highest rated aspect of the partnership with a satisfaction score of 4.64 out of 5. 

Although is it not a new insight, it is an important insight!
It is because of your continuous feedback via surveys like the satisfaction survey that we continue to fight for a free and flexible partnership for you despite other interests in the public debate. 

No matter how our model and partnership is being challenged in the public debate, you can trust that we continue to listen to your opinion too as our partner. 

You are least satisfied with: “Waiting time at restaurants”

Having to wait for an order at a venue is still the biggest pain point for Wolt Partners. With a satisfaction score of  3.24 out of 5, this is the area where we have a lot of space for improvements.

As you might know, we now have a dedicated Restaurant Development Team of four full-time employees, whose job is to help restaurants improve on the platform. The team collects insights from data about the restaurants’ performance shares it with them frequently together with some targets to minimise delays.

Some of the busiest restaurants on our platform, like McDonald’s, is mentioned by many of you in the comments to the survey.  It can take some time to implement changes in large, global restaurant chains like McDonald’s but we are working closely together with them based on your feedback. 

In the beginning of 2022, a project around punctuality is being launched! Here,  a number of new initiatives and incentives aimed to encourage restaurants to improve their punctuality will be tested! 

The new 60-second task rejection is a result of your feedback!

Many of your comments over time has been related to task rejection in the app. In recent surveys, the plea for an easier way to reject tasks in bundle tasks mode grew stronger, which lead our product team to prioritise the task. 

This is a good example of how sharing your feedback with us can make a difference and we feel grateful to have partners who inspire us to do better with their feedback and suggestions. Thank you! 💙 

Click here to know more about the feature and how it will impact your deliveries and stay tuned for a link to the next satisfaction survey which will go live in December 2021. 

Sarah from the Operations team

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*Please note that areas described are subject to change.


3 Responses

  1. Hola Wolt, soy William Payarez y me gusta mucho todo lo que he leído sobre la plataforma, tengo experiencia en este trabajo de delivery en Estados Unidos con DORDASH y pronto me mudaré a Dinamarca.
    Quiero tener la oportunidad de trabajar con ustedes.

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