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What is a CVR number, and should I get one?

We know that CVR registration can be quite a jungle

So let’s first understand what it actually means to register with a CVR-Number:

As you probably already know, Wolt courier partners are you paid as a freelancers trough what is called  b-income. While earning b-income, you are responsible for paying your own taxes, which is why there is a maximum of what you can earn this way as a private person. 

According to Danish legislation, you have to register as a company if you earn more than  50.000 DKK within 12 months from the day you start receiving b-indkomst.  

A CVR number is like an ID-number for Danish companies

Every Danish company has a CVR number – you will get one too, if you register as a company instead of delivering as a private person.

We will send you a message with a “head’s up”, if we can see that your earnings are getting close to the 50.000 DKK limit, but in the end, it is your own responsibility to ensure that you are following the rules on the area and making a descition about how you want to run your business. 

You need to register with a CVR number before you reach the limit of  50.000 DKK

In order to ensure that you are following legal guidelines, you will need to register as a company as soon as you get close to that 50.000 DKK limit in Wolt earnings. You can’t register too early, so do it at  very start of your journey as a courier partner, if you are planning to earn more than the limit. 

Note that 50.000 DKK over 12 months is equal to 4.167 DKK per month. If you currently earn close to 4.167 DKK before taxes (or more) every month and are planning to continue to do so, we recommend that you register as a company with a CVR number. 

Please let us know as soon as you change from delivering as a private person to delivering as a CVR-registered company. 

Your earnings from Wolt will remain the same whether you are registered as a private person or as a CVR-registered company, but when you register with a CVR, you will start to receive VAT (moms).

As soon as you inform us via the Support Team that you have registered as a CVR, Wolt will start to pay you VAT (moms) on top of your earnings. This means that we will add +25% on top of all your earnings, excluding tips. Before you get too excited about this, know that this VAT has to be paid to Skat.

You will still have to pay the taxes yourself, just like you usually do as a private person. 

I hope this post helped you understand what a CVR number is and when it is relevant to you! We have much more information about how to register as a company in our FAQ via the link below. 💙

Still in doubt?

Head to our FAQ to read more about how you register a company with a CVR number or how you pay taxes.

Emma from the Operations team

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*Please note that areas described are subject to change.
